
Onenote Character Sheets

I had a user on Reddit ask how I keep track of Player Characters using Onenote. The truth is that I don’t, since my players use Roll20 for that. But I decided to take a stab at at just because.

The first idea was just to compact all the relevant information into a statblock similar to an NPC, and lay the page out just like the NPC pages. This would create consistency across all the pages. But I also wanted to do use the iconic character sheet as well so I came up with the following two templates.

One simply uses a system of tables to recreate the general layout. Room on the bottom can store just about anything (spells and spellslots, biography, etc).

The second approach was to use the character sheet as a background image and place text over top. I faded out the bottom so that the Proficiencies, Equipment, and Features can vertically expand infinitely as needed. Care was taken to try and reduce the amount of text containers as much as possible, to prevent one from pushing the others down if it grows too large. This version includes two options, one with the SRD page background and one that is pure white.

These sheets are included with the rest of my templates in the Onenote SRD v3.1


15 thoughts on “Onenote Character Sheets

      1. Thank you. On a side note im looking to transfer info from the books into my personal one note and I was wondering what you did for the stuff in the DMG how did you break that book down and add the info into your personal one note.

        1. I have the DMG split up and scattered across my notes. Some of which can be seen in the public version due to the rules and info also appearing in the SRD or DM’s Basic Rules.

          Chapter 1 has been largely left out of my book, since I’ve been running a lot of official adventures rather than creating my own worlds and maps. There’s a few things I plucked from it such as the Calendar of Harptos sidebar, Faction Renown explanation, and the Starting Equipment table (the one for starting characters at higher levels).

          Chapter 2 I left out entirely, although lately I’ve been thinking about adding the info into my Lore notes, especially with Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes getting me more interested in it the multiverse stuff.

          Chapter 3 I just took the Combat Encounter Difficulty rules and the Adventuring Day.

          Chapter 4 I took all the random NPC tables and put them on an single NPC page under DM Tips. I didn’t do anything with the other text, or the section about creating villainous class options (those could be added to the character creation section group following the format of the other class options).

          Chapter 5 I took the Dungeon Hazards and put them into the Adventuring section. The different hazards like Brown Mold and Webs each getting their own subpage for quicker searching and linking. Same deal for weather and wilderness hazards, foragaing, food and water requirements, becoming lost, underwater visability, airborne and waterborne vehicles table, and traps.

          Chapter 6 was put into a Downtime page, with activitines like Carousing and running a business turned into subpages.

          Chapter 7 I took the treasure tables put into the DM Tools section, while the magic item stuff was put into that Section Group.

          Chapter 8 I added some of the visibility distance numbers, tracking DCs, siege equipment, Diseases , and Madness under the Adventuring section (again with subpages to make linking to individual entries like “cannon” or “cackle fever” easier). Object ac/hitpoints, creature size, improvising damage, and mobs, under DM Tools. Poisons were added to my Equipment section.

          Chapter 9 was left out entirely.

          1. Thank you that’s a big help I appreciate it you’ve done a great job laying the ground work looking threw my books there’s just so much to add I don’t know how you’ve managed it all but thank you.

  1. I really like the onenote layout you’ve created – very nice work! Just curious, will you add in the new Gunslinger class options to this document?

  2. Hi! Just noticed you are missing two skills on your (beautiful) character sheet.

    Persuasion and Performance!

        1. They’re fixed on the SRD book. I’ll have to double check to see if the individual template was updated on dropbox.

  3. Hi!! there is a problem,i can’t donwload files from dropbox, you can send it to my email pls ? thanks a lot

      1. Is this the dropbox file or the email/link version? The latter provides users Read-Only permission to prevent them from accidentally or maliciously editing the notebook for other people who are accessing it. You should be able to copy all tabs into your own personal notebook which will then leave you with a local copy all of your own that you’re able to modify.

        If it’s the .onepkg file that is preventing you from being able to modify the contents, I unfortunately wouldn’t know the answer as this would be my first time hearing of such a problem.

  4. Digital DM,
    I’ve been using your OneNote file since version 2 if I recall correctly. I’ve even added Custom sections of my own that I transfer over when you release an updated file. This file has made my personal OneNote file much better. Thanks for all the work you’ve done!

    With the release and updating of the Windows 10 OneNote App and it having the option of a Dark mode option, I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind sharing your template background artwork, even if they’re Photoshop or Illustrator files. I use and customize a lot of your templates for my own OneNote campaign pages and I’m about to convert a lot of my own pages to view better in Dark mode option.

    Thanks again for the work you’ve done putting this together and keeping it updated through the years!

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