
Updated Importer

I’m now offering the SRD in a .zip format, which should work with the newer Notebook importer. I think this should work for any users of Onenote, including those on the free versions (hopefully Macs as well).

Click the post to read more about it.

If you have not grabbed the notebook yet, you can download the .zip format using the sidebar, or this link. Follow the instructions here to import (which I’ll paste below for convenience).

Import a OneNote notebook

To import a notebook to OneNote that you’ve previously downloaded, do the following:

  1. Unzip the folder found in the file you previously downloaded. This unzipped folder is your notebook folder.
  2. In any modern Web browser, go to the OneNote Notebook Importer.Tip: Importing notebooks is not currently supported in Windows Internet Explorer. We recommend using Microsoft Edge on Windows 10, or any other modern browser.
  3. On the screen that opens, click Import.
  4. On your computer, navigate to the location of your notebook folder (see Step 1), click to select it, and then click Open to import it.

Hopefully this method works smoothly, as it will make any future updates so much easier to share. Let me know in the comments.

2 thoughts on “Updated Importer

  1. Hey Cryrid!
    Man I am so grateful to have found your stuff on reddit. I have been using one note for a few years now and this completely revolutionized what is possible with it as a DM tool. I was wondering if you had sample Adventure, NPC, and Location templates that you could make available to download? Also, have you done or thought about doing tutorial videos or a tour video of your campaign notebooks?

    1. Hello, and thank you.
      A sample adventure, with NPC and location templates are actually available for download on the side bar. They are packaged in with the SRD.

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